Complete school medication forms now for fall 2023
The school year is soon winding down. Before you put away the school bags and get into a relaxing summer mode, let us help complete your child’s school medication forms for the upcoming fall.
We are happy to complete school forms for patients who have seen a provider in the last 12 months.
Please bring the forms to the office visit.
School forms with your child’s name and birthdate can be uploaded via Portal. They can also be emailed to Please type “School forms” and the office location where your child is seen in the subject heading.
If you would like the school forms to be sent to your child’s school, please complete and sign the parent section before submission to us and include the school’s name and school fax number. Unsigned forms can only be returned to the patient’s home address or picked up by a parent/legal guardian.
We are not able to email documents back to you.
Please allow up to two weeks for completion during the busy back-to-school season. Prescription refills will be fulfilled within two business days.
If your child has not been seen in the last 12 months, we may be unable to complete forms without an appointment.