Epi Pen Shortage


The manufacturer of EpiPen, Mylan, has been dealing with manufacturing issues since May, and the device was placed on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) list of drug shortages. Mylan is encouraging parents to call its customer relations department for help locating pharmacies with the EpiPen. The company extended hours Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET and said team members have successfully located prescriptions during this time of limited supply. Call 800-796-9526.

The recently FDA-approved generic Epipen (to be manufactured by Teva) will not be launched for a few months.  The good news is that alternative devices such as Auvi-Q (covered for those with commercial insurances only & available only by mail-order) and Impax epinephrine auto-injectors (previously called Adrenaclick; click for savings card) are available. Please leave a message by phone, portal, or complete a request form at the office if you’d like a prescription.
As of 8/21/18, the FDA has extended the expiration date on certain lots of branded EpiPens and Mylan generic epinephrine 0.3 mg autoinjectors in response to the current shortage. The indicated lots have been deemed safe for an additional four months, according to the FDA, who reviewed data provided by Mylan prior to their decision.

SCHOOL FORMS: If your child is needing a school form completed or medication refills, s/he must have been seen by one of our providers in the last 12 months. Please allow up to 2 weeks for completion. Prescription refills will be fulfilled within 2 business days.