NW Asthma & Allergy Center Mask Policy & Statement
Effective June 26th, the WA Department of Health statewide order directs all individuals to wear a face covering in any indoor public setting or when outdoors and unable to maintain 6 feet of physical distance from others.
Cloth face coverings may help to reduce COVID-19 transmission. Click to learn about effectiveness of mask wearing. If you feel like you cannot wear a face covering because of your allergies or asthma, please call to discuss further with your allergist. Click to learn more about our convenient telemedicine appointments. Perhaps some modification of your rhinitis and asthma treatment is necessary. If your asthma is still severe enough that you cannot wear a face covering, we do not support a mask exemption but recommend possibly staying at home and avoiding high-risk exposures.
Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center strongly encourages all of our patients to wear cloth face coverings or masks whenever they are away from home. Since May 22nd, masks or face coverings are required for those > 2 years of age at all of our office locations. If you are unable to comply with our masking policy in the office, we offer telemedicine visits to meet your needs. Please click this link to read the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’s (AAAAI) patient education article on masks, crafted in part by our own Doctors Williams and Virant, Chair and member respectively of the AAAAI COVID-19 Response Task Force.
Click this link to learn more about tips to help get used to wearing a mask, and click here to learn how to wear your mask properly. Click to read the latest CDC recommendations of appropriate masks to wear in public.
- Remember to always wash your hands before and after wearing a mask.
- Use the ties or loops to put your mask on. Do not touch the front of the mask.
- Wash and dry your cloth face covering daily.